Não-Pensamento do Dia ®: "O caminho do homem inteligente é o caminho do coração, porque o coração não está interessado em palavras; ele está interessado somente no sumo que vem nos recipientes das palavras. Ele não acumula recipientes, ele
simplesmente bebe o suco e joga fora o recipiente. A mente faz exatamente o contrário: ela joga fora o suco e amontoa os recipientes. Os recipientes parecem bonitos e uma grande coleção deles faz do homem um gigante intelectual." Osho
"The intelligent man´s way is the way of the heart, because the heart is not interested in words; it is interested only in the juice that comes in the containers of the words. It does not collect containers, it simply drinks the juice and throws away the container. The mind does just the opposite: it throws away the juice and collects the containers. Containers look beautiful, and a great collection of containers makes a man a great intellectual giant. " Osho
Copyright © 2012 Osho International Foundation
"The intelligent man´s way is the way of the heart, because the heart is not interested in words; it is interested only in the juice that comes in the containers of the words. It does not collect containers, it simply drinks the juice and throws away the container. The mind does just the opposite: it throws away the juice and collects the containers. Containers look beautiful, and a great collection of containers makes a man a great intellectual giant. " Osho
Copyright © 2012 Osho International Foundation
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